Today my family and I spent the day at Half Moon Bay’s 45th Anniversary of The Pumpkin Festival. We enjoyed so many events, booths, and activities. It truly was a treat and I recommend to anyone who hasn’t gone, to go when they are in California around this time.

On our way back home my wife and kids kept thanking me for taking them over there and I was lost in thought about how blessed and fortunate we are that we could go there with no hesitation or worry. We were able to enjoy activities, food, and gifts without having to consider what everything would cost. Thinking about how blessed I was made me also think of those who can’t afford to do whatever they like - the people who have to work nights, days and weekends just to hardly pay their bills. There are many out there without the opportunity to enjoy time with family and friends and go after whatever experiences and goals they’d like to. Too many times, the life one wants to live is put to the side for the life one thinks they have to live.
We are living in a society that keeps educating us from the day we are born. We go to school, get the best grades possible so we would end up having a good job, and then work hard to pay the bills until we die. But the school system didn’t teach us how to get out of that rat race by saving money or investing in assets that will produce a multi-faceted income.

In 1986, I started a landscaping and gardening business in Monterey Peninsula California with just $500. The business had put me in a position to service extremely wealthy communities that could afford just about everything they could want or imagine. While working, I often looked at all their ambition and the reward of their ambitions, wondering if I could do the same. I didn’t want to do the same job and earn the same money all my life just to end up struggling in the end. I didn’t want to miss out on my dreams, goals, and potentially my family.
This gave me the drive and inspiration to educate myself about the importance of working hard to produce a better life. Real Estate Investing was the simplest way to get there.
In less that five years of work I was able to purchase my first investment property priced at $125,000 with very little mortgage. If I could do it, then you can do the same. Don’t sacrifice everything for nothing. Work smarter to attain what you knew you always should have.
At the age of 55, I can enjoy the lifestyle I desire and dreamed for so many years. I can take my family to all kind of events, enjoy hobbies, buy a car and more. In order to reach this point, it took patience, education, and mentorship from those who have done it before me.
I strive to help my clients enjoy the life they have and the people, places, and things that are in it. Anyone can be successful in Real Estate Investing with the right tools, resources, and guidance no matter their upbringing, financial situation, where they live or anything else that might be in their way to success. New Dawn Investments guides you to a life without worry, a time without fear, and a wallet that is never empty.