Purchasing a property whether if it’s for living purpose or for investment purpose is probably the most expensive and valuable asset a normal person is likely to buy in his/ her entire life. In the process of buying a property, the actual closing in particular could be very stressful experience and make some people feel anxious.Some of these people may even get cold feet at some point and cancel the deal even though it might be the home or the deal of their dreams.
Purchasing a property is very likely to involve a lot of role players such as realtors, investment specialists, lenders, attorneys, title companies, property managers etc.
Each one of these role players have interest in making the deal happen and therefore should seek to get the buyer the best terms and services possible, however they should be able to establish a very professional with their clients. But that may not be enough to close the deal.
In my nearly 30 years of experience in the real estate business I learned that more than anything else what’s important is to create sympathy with the client, being able to carefully listen to the client’s problems, and reasons for buying that property and actually looking for solutions. These problems do not involve just the physical and rational components of the deal but even more so the emotional state of the client and his or her family members. For instance, it
could be that the client’s problem is not being able to save up money for retirement and therefore causing arguments with the spouse complaining about being financially stable or secure.
In order to prevent such anxiety and stress the realtor must be able to establish trust and as close as possible relationship with the client. That’s a key factor to closing the deal especially when there might be some bumps along the process - bumps like changes in the mortgage interest rate, some negotiation hurdles along the way with the seller, changes in contract that seem to be against the interests of the buyer etc.
It’s extremely important for the realtor to be super honest. For example being able to say “I don’t know, let me find out for you and get back to you with an accurate answer ASAP”, rather than guessing or pretending to answer something they are not sure about.
Being unethical or not telling the truth to the client could be a death penalty. Not only to the particular deal but to any potential future transactions both with the client and the people they know.
The realtor’s has to pay attention to the client’s needs, asking personal open questions and staying very authentic. The more the client is answering those questions in detail the closer the relationship would be with client and more trust established. The information provided by the client would be very rewarding when problems occur along the way and especially when the stress level is growing towards closing and at the closing itself. A good professional realtor should be able to lead the client and “hold his hand” so to speak making sure that the client won’t cancel the deal, and that the deal is a real win-win situation for all parties.
At New Dawn Investments, we make sure to lead our clients through each investment deal as smooth and stress free as possible. We are a group of professionals who are very sensitive to our clients needs and that are capable of solving a big spectrum of problems that might occur during the purchase and the investment purposes.